Gilsonite price is relative to season

The price of Gilsonite is relative  to season and in winter time Gilsonite mine are full of water and in summer time is too hot and mining will stop due weather condition again but spring and autumn has stable price.Apart from season below items is key point in price index.


In oil well drilling mud has higher value and price but low consumption but in asphalt and blending with bitumen has lowest price and high quantity.


There are many types of packing with various price and cheapest one starting from Jumbo bag then jumbo pallet and poly propylene bag on pallet and shrinked wrapped and multi paper bags on pallet with shrink and belt with two protection board on top and bottom of the pallets.Each type has different cost and customer need to be aware about the differences.

jumbo bag of Gilsonite

Jumbo bag

Gilsonite in bag on pallet

Bag on pallet shrinked wrapped

types of bag

PP bag and paper bag

Mesh size

Gilsonite shape is lump form and to be able to use it should be converted to powder and powder has different size.The cheapest on is lump then 30/40 mesh and more expensive and usable in mud drilling additive is 200 mesh as per of API screen.30/40 mesh machine is 10000USD investment but 200 mesh is 200000USD and classifying the powder by air separator and able to increase the mesh to even 300 and 600 mesh.

lump gilsonite


powder of gilsonite

Powder 30-40 mesh

200 mesh gilsonite

200 mesh

Solubility of Gilsonite

As much as Gilsonite is soluble means it is more easy mix and melt in other hydrocarbons and solvent and it is big point.Highest price of Gilsonite is for more than 90% solubility witch is available in market very rare and between 75 to 90 is good quality and optimum price and less than 50/75 is lowest price and categorized in cheap price.

Ash content

Less than 10% is luxury Gilsonite and has high price but it is always available but optimum quality and price is between 10-15% ash and economic ash is 15-20% which has highest demand for the asphalt and membrane companies to produce isolation material.

gilsonite ash control

Softening point

In drilling mud additive Gilsonite working as fluid loss controller and important to be minimum 205 centigrade and we guaranty this index to do not melt as less than 205C while it is using in well.We have special grade of high temperature Gilsonite which called HT which is using for high temperature and high pressure well and the minimum softening point that we can guaranty is 260 to 280C.

Gilsonite price (natural asphalt)

Updated price on July 7 2023
$ 350 to 450 EXW of factory in 50LBS/25Kg bag on pallet
  • Gilsonite 200 mesh API grade for drilling mud
  • Gilsonite lump in jumbo bag to make bitumen
  • Gilsonite 30-40 mesh
  • Gilsonite 100 mesh
  • Gilsonite for asphalt
  • Gilsonite for paint
  • Gilsonite for foundry
  • Gilsonite for Ink
Gilsonite price