PAC Polianyonik Selüloz

Percentage of PAC in drilling mud

PAC is a crucial additive in drilling mud formulations, widely recognized for its viscosity-enhancing properties and ability to control fluid loss. This article delves into the percentage of PAC typically used in drilling mud, its benefits, and factors influencing its application.

What is PAC?

Polyanionic Cellulose (PAC) is a water-soluble polymer made from cellulose, a natural polysaccharide. PAC is modified for enhanced performance, especially in oil and gas drilling applications. PAC is crucial in drilling operations, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness by optimizing drilling mud performance.

Types of PAC

      1. PAC-LV (Low Viscosity): PAC-LV suits water-based drilling fluids, providing lower viscosity to maintain fluidity and reduce filtration.

      1. PAC-HV (High Viscosity): This variant is designed for high-viscosity applications, providing excellent fluid loss control and enhancing the stability of the drilling mud.

    Typical Percentage of PAC in Drilling Mud

    Recommended Dosage

    PAC percentage in drilling mud varies based on application, drilling type, and formation characteristics. Generally, PAC concentrations range from 0.5% to 2% by weight of the total drilling fluid.

    Factors Influencing PAC Percentage

        1. Well Conditions: In high-temperature or high-pressure environments, increase PAC percentage to maintain viscosity and control fluid loss effectively.

        1. Formation Type: Different formations react differently to drilling fluids. PAC usage may increase in formations with high permeability or instability to ensure adequate fluid control.

        1. Drilling Objectives: The specific goals of the drilling operation (e.g., minimizing fluid loss, enhancing borehole stability) will influence the required PAC percentage.

      Benefits of Using PAC in Drilling Mud

      Enhanced Viscosity Control

      PAC enhances drilling mud viscosity, thus improving cuttings suspension and preventing settling, which is essential for efficient drilling and wellbore stability.

      Fluid Loss Control

      PAC effectively reduces the fluid loss to the formation by forming a thin, impermeable filter cake on the borehole wall. This characteristic minimizes the risk of wellbore instability and helps maintain hydrostatic pressure during drilling.

      Improved Lubrication

      Incorporating PAC into drilling mud enhances lubrication, reducing friction between the drill bit and the formation. Consequently, this improvement boosts drilling efficiency and reduces wear on drilling equipment.


      The percentage of Polyanionic Cellulose (PAC) in drilling mud is a critical factor that influences drilling performance and efficiency. By understanding the optimal PAC concentrations—typically between 0.5% and 2%—operators can tailor their drilling fluids to meet specific well conditions and objectives. The benefits of PAC, including enhanced viscosity control, fluid loss prevention, and improved lubrication, make it an indispensable component in modern drilling operations.

      Incorporating the appropriate amount of PAC into drilling mud not only enhances the drilling process but also ensures safer and more efficient operations, ultimately contributing to the success of oil and gas exploration.